Sunday, March 31, 2013

Traveling Without Toxic Chemicals

By Lindsay Dahl, Deputy Director
Posted on March 21, 2013

When traveling it’s easy to create more waste than you usually do, and increase your exposure to toxic chemicals. As you may know, we’re advocating for stronger laws in Washington to ensure chemicals are safe before they enter the marketplace. This common sense approach will someday eliminate the need for us to provide “tips” for reducing exposure to toxic chemicals, but in the meantime I hope these resources are helpful.

1. Bring a reusable water bottle

The use of a stainless steel water bottle while traveling can be very useful to stay hydrated and reduce “single use”plastic bottles. Some airports (like Salt Lake City) are now encouraging reusable water bottles by providing filtered water. Second best option: if you forget your water bottle at home, ask a coffee shop for a cup inside the gate and fill it with water, avoiding plastic bottled water.

2. Skip the hand sanitizer

It’s tempting to bring hand sanitizer on the plane, train or automobile, but many hand sanitizers contain toxic triclosan, a pesticide. There are some sanitizers that are triclosan-free, but washing your hands in warm water with soap is a good way to keep germs away.

3. Re-use plastic bags used at security check points

TSA security requires the use of plastic bags to store your liquids (under 3 oz!). I simply keep my travel personal care products in the same plastic bags, reusing them dozens of times. It’s a simple way to reduce plastic consumption.

4. Use a digital boarding pass

The boarding passes are printed on thermal paper, which have shown to have high levels of BPA, a hormone-disrupting chemical. By going paperless, and using the boarding document on your phone, you can save paper and avoid unnecessary exposure to BPA.

5. Pack your own snacks

Food packaging is a common route of exposure to toxic chemicals. A study by the Breast Cancer Fund and Silent Spring Institute found that families who avoided all food packaging reduced the levels of toxic chemicals in their bodies by 60% in just three days. To save space, I suggest cloth snack bags, which are great for storing nuts and fruits like oranges, which already come in their own packaging.

6. Pack your own personal care products

Most hotels still provide small shampoo, conditioner and lotion bottles in the room. This creates an unnecessary amount of plastic waste and the shampoo often contains synthetic fragrance. Instead, bring your own personal care products in 3 oz. containers, which reduces waste and allows you to use your own products. Or find an eco-friendly Bed & Breakfast or hotel.

7. Bring your own utensils

I find that to-go food uses a lot of plastic packaging, and one way to reduce that is to bring your own utensils. These are reasonably priced and barely take up any space. Bamboo is a good material since the bamboo trees grow back very quickly and can be sustainably harvested.

8. Research “green” shuttles and cab companies or take public transportation

When arriving to your destination, there are ground transportation companies that use hybrid vehicles and aim to reduce air pollution levels. Another option is to skip the cab and take public transportation. If your destination has a good public transportation system, use that and help reduce harmful air pollution.

9. Cover your shoes with a shower cap

If you’re packing more than one pair of shoes, cover the unused pair with a shower cap (they usually have one in hotel bathrooms) to protect your clothes from the dirty shoe bottoms. Believe it or not, shoes are a major source of heavy metals and pesticides and are a route of transportation to bring toxic chemicals into our homes and hotel rooms. I have reused the same shower cap for years!

10. Urge Congress to pass the Safe Chemicals Act!

We are unnecessarily burdened by toxic chemicals due to our out of date federal laws on toxic chemicals. The time has come for us to shift that burden to the chemical industry so we don’t need to worry about toxic chemicals when we travel, or anytime! Take Action Now!

Ask your Senators to co-sponsor the Safe Chemicals Act!


What is a GMO? Explained in 1 Minute

For your friends that still think that genetically engineered food is as natural as breathing, send them this video, What is a GMO?, (an excerpt from Genetic Roulette — The Gamble of Our Lives) to learn about the spider-goat, the cowhide-pig and other ways that the biotech scientists want to replace nature.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Top 10 Air-Purifying Plants

Top 10 Air-Purifying Plants To Improve the Feng Shui of Your Home or Office

By Rodika Tchi, Guide

Best feng shui advice to keep in mind is to always be aware of the quality of the indoor air and do your best to improve it. Research shows that indoor pollution is much worse than the outdoor one.

Is there a feng shui solution? Yes, there is! The best feng shui solution is to decorate
your home or office with indoor plants! Below is a list of top ten air-purifying plants, as defined by NASA research in the early 1980s.

Bring them to your home, bring them to
your office, and let them do what they do best - clear the air and fill it with oxygen!

1. Areca Palm

Scientific Name:
Chrysalidocarpus Lutescens
* All tested indoor air toxins.
* Very popular and easy to care for plant.
* Leaves have a gracious flow that will soften the energy of any home or office space.

Scientific Name:
Rhapis Excelsa
* Most indoor pollutants.
* One of the best plants to improve the indoor air quality.
* Very popular and easy to care for.

Scientific Name:
Chamaedorea Seifrizii
* Benzene.
* Trichloroethylene.
* Formaldehyde.
* Adds a peaceful, tropical feeling to any environment.
* Most resistant to insect infestation.
4. Rubber Plant

Scientific Name:
Ficus Robusta
* Most pollutants, especially formaldehyde.
* Will survive in dim light and tolerate cool temperatures.
* Excellent ability to remove toxins from any indoor environment.

5. Dracaena Janet Craig

Scientific Name:
Dracaena Deremensis Janet Craig
* Most pollutants, especially trichloroethylene.
* Attractive plant, easy to grow in very little light.
* Best in Dracaenas family for removing home or office chemical toxins.

6. English Ivy

Scientific Name:
Hedera Helix
* Most pollutants, especially formaldehyde.
* Another hardy, very popular plant, often used in public spaces.
* Easy to grow, very adaptable, except for high temperatures.

7. Dwarf Date Palm

Scientific Name:
Phoenix Roebelenii
* Most pollutants, especially xylene.
* A slow grower that can reach a height of about 5 to 6 feet.
* Can tolerate low levels of light.

8. Ficus Alii

 Scientific Name:
Ficus Macleilandii "Alii"
* Most pollutants, especially formaldehyde.
* Easier to care for than the Ficus Benjamina, can loose some leaves while adjusting to a new space.
* There are 3 types of Ficus Alii: the standard tree, the bush and the braids (several entwined trunks.)

9. Boston Fern

Scientific Name:
Nephrolepis Exaltata "Bostoniensis"
* Most pollutants, especially formaldehyde.
* Beautiful and lush, a favorite for any home or office.
* It does require attention in order to thrive.

10. Peace Lily

Scientific Name:
Spathiphyllum sp.
* Alcohols and acetone.
* Trichloroethylene.
* Benzene and Formaldehyde.
* Beautiful plant with gentle white flowers, easy to care for.
* Strong and peaceful energy.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

How To Make Your Own Natural Easter Egg Dyes!

Natural Egg Dye

According to, “Many food colorings contain color additives such as Red No. 3 and Yellow No. 5, which, according to a 1983 study by the FDA, were found to cause tumors (Red No. 3) and hives (Yellow No. 5).” In addition, food dyes have also been linked to causing issues like hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, and allergic reactions.

By making your own Easter egg dye you never have to worry about harmful ingredients, and we think it’s a whole lot of fun too! Gathering, mashing and boiling plant-based ingredients is far more exciting to children than simply dropping a tablet in a cup. The process also provides a great opportunity to teach kidlets about being cautious of what they put into their bodies, and teach them how the earth offers many wonderful alternatives to synthetic store-bought products.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tooth/Meridian Chart

Your teeth can give you important clues as to what is going on within your physical body.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Carrageenan – What is this?

January 22, 2013
By: Stephanie McCoy, Owner of A Whole Green Life

What you will learn:

•What it is.
•Why you don’t want to consume it.
•What other products you can buy.

This is what I was asking myself as I read the label on the coconut milk that I really have enjoyed having on my cereal, in my smoothies and baking with. I was buying the organic, non-GMO, vegan coconut milk and yet it still contained something that I wasn’t sure about. The side of me that has a passion for this nutrition arena and overall good health decided that I had to do some research and learn more about this Carrageenan.

Here are the interesting things that I have learned while doing this research:

Carrageenan is a thickening agent and is the plant based equivalent to casein found in milk products. It is used in dairy and non-dairy products as a thickening agent, emulsifier and/or stabilizer.

Carrageenan is derived from red seaweed by using alkali solvents. The solvents that are used would remove skin and tissues from your face and hands as any acid would.

The Cornucopia Institute’s study results yield that Carrageenan is recognized as a carcinogen in lab animals and is therefore classified as a “possible human carcinogen” by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. It is also known to cause inflammatory bowel disease in rats. People with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or other gastrointestinal disorders are cautioned to avoid using Carrageenan. If you want to get the scientific side of it, you can read the study at

Carrageenan is “natural” but just about everything is “natural”, inlcuding plutonium, mercury, arsenic, etc., so don’t be fooled by that label.

Carrageenan is a gel like substance and resembles petroleum jelly and coats the inside of the stomach, leading to tummy upsets. Because this is an ingredient found in soymilks, people often confuse their upset and blame the soy. Although soy, unless organic, should not be ingested anyway.

My last visit to the market had me reading the refrigerator and shelf versions and I chose WestSoy Unsweetened Almond Soymilk (organic of course) and Pacific’s Organic Oat milk and Trader Joe’s, Unsweetened Organic Rice Drink. I also found others that were safe, but only in the shelf varieties. My next trip to Whole Foods will certainly include some additional product label reading!

Here is a link to a shopping guide that will help you to avoid this Carrageenan ingredient

Thank you for reading!

Remember, if you can’t pronounce it, your body won’t know what to do with it!

If you like what you see here, please like our Facebook page for continuous information on living A Whole Green Life!

If you have any questions, please contact!


Friday, March 15, 2013

Proposed Texas law calls for allowing vaccination of children without parental consent

If you thought the so-called “great state” of Texas was a bastion of freedom, liberty, and minimal government intrusion, think again. Efforts are currently in the works in the form of two new Senate bills to seize parental sovereignty rights and allow minors living in the Lone Star State to consent to vaccinations.

Senate Bill 63, entitled “Relating to consent to the immunization of certain children,” would allow minors to consent to vaccinations without their parents’ permission, violating existing Texas statutes that prohibit such action. Sponsored by Senator Jane Nelson, a Republican from Texas’ District 12 near Dallas, S.B. 63 is a direct affront to the rights of parents to govern the vaccination choices of their children.

“Claiming a child can consent to receiving these chemicals is the same as claiming a child can consent to having sex or doing drugs,” writes Melissa Melton for about S.B. 63. “Texas statute 22.011 states, ‘Sexual assault for anyone to intentionally or knowingly penetrate a person under age 17, other than his spouse,’ unless the person is withing three years of age from a child of at least 14; anyone convicted stands to serve between two and 20 years in prison.”

Jabbing a vaccine needle into the arm of a child, of course, is technically a form of non-consensual penetration, by definition. So in essence, Sen. Nelson’s proposal to allow young children, who happen to be very easily influenced by adults, to consent to potentially deadly vaccines is a type of both sexual and medical assault by the state.

It all conveniently aligns with the United Nations’ infamous Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which basically declares that governments have more power over children than children’s own parents. Part of this sinister declaration, which is the driving force behind S.B. 63, claims that children can decide for themselves the chemicals they do or do not want injected into their bodies in the name of disease prevention. ({98172987-5D33-4A41-AF04-84F6726222C3})

Read more..