Friday, April 5, 2013

What's really in vaccines?

What's really in vaccines? Proof of MSG, formaldehyde, aluminum and mercury

Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of

Have you ever wondered what's really in vaccines? According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control's
vaccine additives page, all the following ingredients are routinely used as vaccine additives:

Aluminum - A light metal that causes dementia and Alzheimer's disease. You should never inject yourself with aluminum.

Antibiotics - Chemicals that promote
superbugs, which are deadly antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria that are killing tens of thousands of Americans every year.

Formaldehyde - A "pickling" chemical used to preserve cadavers. It's highly toxic to the nervous system, causing blindness, brain damage and seizures. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services openly admits that
formaldehyde causes cancer. You can see this yourself on the National Toxicology Program website, featuring its 12th Report on Carcinogens.

There, the
formaldehyde Fact Sheet completely neglects to mention formaldehyde in vaccines. This is the "dirty little secret" of government and the vaccine industry. It does state, however, that "...formaldehyde causes myeloid leukemia, and rare cancers including sinonasal and nasopharyngeal cancer."

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) - A neurotoxic chemical called an "excitotoxin." It causes brain neurons to be overexcited to the point of death. MSG is toxic even when consumed in foods, where it causes migraine headaches and endocrine system damage. You should NEVER inject MSG into your body. But that's what health workers do when they inject you with

Thimerosal - A methyl mercury compound that causes severe, permanent nervous system damage. Mercury is highly toxic to the brain. You should never touch, swallow or inject mercury at any dose. There is no safe dose of mercury! Doctors and
vaccine pushers LIE to you and say there is no mercury in vaccines. Even the CDC readily admits vaccine still contain mercury (thimerosal).

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