Thursday, May 14, 2015

School curriculum promotes GMOs, vaccines

The best way to change a society is to brainwash it's youth...

"Do you hate going to the doctor for your shots?" asks the assignment. "What if you could eat a banana instead? Through a process called genetic modification, scientists are creating foods that contain human vaccines as well as extra vitamins and minerals."

Vaccines in our FOOD?!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer

(NaturalNews) The biotechnology agenda has now infiltrated public school curricula for sixth graders, with a captured screenshot of a student's homework essentially answering "yes" to the loaded question, "Are genetically modified foods safe to eat?"

It appears as though Monsanto has somehow slithered its slimy tentacles into formative school curricula in order to brainwash the next generation into accepting pirated biology.

GMOs: a toxic legacy of superweeds, cancer, environmental contamination and crop failures

As you'll notice in the assignment, there's no mention of how Roundup, the chemical herbicide applied liberally to GM crops like soybeans and corn, is causing an epidemic of pesticide-tolerant "superweeds." There's also no mention of how the World Health Organization (WHO) recently conceded that Roundup is a "probable carcinogen," meaning it causes cancer.

What about the fact that more than 75% of air and rain samples collected across the U.S. are now turning up contaminated with Roundup? Nope, no mention of this either, which is highly alarming, as Roundup exposure, even in small amounts, is linked to causing a host of human health problems.

Rather than provide students with the full story on GMOs, pro-biotech propaganda like the aforementioned worksheet is flagrantly propagating an agenda of lies. And that agenda, which is based on illusion rather than science, is what students are now being tricked into believing is undeniable truth.

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